Thursday, March 08, 2007


He was a regular at the Gym. He was proud of his body and used to work out regularly, sculpting each and every part of his body, muscle and even veins.

But little did he realise that his head is not strong enough to bear a collision at a high speed. Rather had he covered his head with a helmet, I would have seen him again at the gym in a few days time.

The thrill in driving bike at high speeds, skidding past the traffic, reaching the helm of the crowd and accelerating away from them is an exhilarating and victorious feeling that only a few other activities can match. Some times minor or major accidents occur to themselves or to their friends from which lessons will be learnt. These lessons will become part of one's driving instincts and the same mistake would not be committed again.These are the lucky lot with a strong life line.

In his case, I was hoping that he would realise the limits of his driving skills and capabilities of his own bike. I was sure that when he walks out of the ICU, he would have learnt his lesson - 'Usiru' is much more valuable than 'Masiru'.

But today, he cannot walk out of the room only his lifeless body would be moved out.

RIP Jagan.


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